Give Hope another chance...
Put 1 packet of Hope's dehydrated starter
in a glass jar. Add 3 tablespoons of warm water. Stir and let sit for 1 hour.
After 1 hour, add 2 tablespoons of flour.
Give her a good stir. Cover loosely and
let sit on the counter for 24 hours.

Day Two
She's alive...and hungry!
After 24 hours add 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of warm water, then mix.
Think pancake batter! That’s the consistency you’re going for. Cover loosely and let Hope sit on the counter for another 24 hours.
Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble...
You should be noticing bubbles starting to form. We’re getting close now! Add 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of warm water, then mix.
Let sit at room temperature another 24 hours. She's about to have a growth spurt!

This girl is on fire...and growing!
You may notice she's risen in the jar and
fallen back down leaving streaks. This
means she’s for-real hungry today!
Feed Hope's starter ½ cup flour and ¼ cup water. Cover and let sit another 24 hours. If
her quarters look cramped, move her to a
bigger room. She's growing up!
Day Five
Give the girl room to breathe...
It’s almost bread time! If you haven't already, move Hope's starter to a bigger jar, double
the size she’s in now. She also gets more
food, ½ cup flour and ¼ cup water.
She’ll grow fast today! Once she's doubled
in size in 4-6 hours after feeding, you're
ready to bake your first loaf.