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7 Day Miami Series

About the Series

A focused 7 Day Yoga Series. Each class includes 3 rounds of breathing exercises, yoga flows & balance challenges. We kick each round off with a 3 minute breathing exercise. From there we move into a short yoga flow, stringing several poses together, flowing from one to the next, then hold a handful of those poses. From there we challenge ourselves by balancing on one leg, think tree, dancer & eagle! Each round is approximately 12 minutes long. After the 1st round is complete, we sit back down and start the next round with a new breathing exercise. Then follow that up with a brand new yoga flow and balance challenge. Think of this as three mini-classes put together into one full length class. The majority of classes, whether they be hot, vinyasa, yoga sculpt or flow, are structured the same way. There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the class. In this series we break from the norm, reconnecting with our breath and setting the tone for the next set of poses. I HIGHLY recommend this series if you're someone that rarely does any breathing exercises since it's easy to be lost in the vinyasa shuffle of poses. And if you're short on time, these are great mini routines for you to do on your own. PLEASE NOTE: these workouts don't need to be done 7 days in a row. Take your time and pace yourself. Please mix in your live class workouts as well as your cardio routine. Or add this on to take things up a notch!


2 Plans Available, From $9.99/month

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