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Weights + Yin | 3 days

About the Series

In this 3 Day series, we combine 'look-good' yoga (yang) and 'feel-good' yoga (yin) into one balanced class, finding that sweet balance between the two. We start with the yang in the first half, hitting it hard, and building strength, stamina, and stability through a combo of vinyasa yoga, yoga with weights, and core-focused HIIT drills. From there we switch gears completely, moving into a yin-focused restorative series. The heat we build in the first half makes the recovery poses coming that much sweeter. If you're someone who always heads down the power and vinyasa yoga road, rarely giving your body the chance to recover, this is the perfect series for you. You'll get your workout on in the first half, and then bliss it out in the second. Similar to other programs, we take our workouts one interval at a time. You'll see the timer in the upper right hand of the screen so you know exactly where you are every minute in class. When you see orange, you're flowing, first moving without weights. Green means we’ve added the weights to our practice. Blue signals we've switched gears and are heading into our back-focused yin sequence. And we all know what red means…you're doing HIIT drills. Orange = Flow Green = Weights Blue = Yin Red = Drills Yellow = Breaks Make sure you have your light handweights handy. I also recommend having 2 blocks for the yin section, we'll be using them for supported backbends, as well as twists and forward bends. Enjoy!


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